Coyote in the Grand Teton national Park

Coyote in the Grand Teton national Park

Elk Buck in the Rocky Mountain National Park

Elk Buck in the Rocky Mountain National Park

White Pelicans 

White Pelicans 



Osprey in Yellowstone

Osprey in Yellowstone

Female Mountain Blue bird

Female Mountain Blue bird

a pair of Tree Swallows

a pair of Tree Swallows

The Amazing Bald Eagle

The Amazing Bald Eagle

Trumpeter Swans, They were far away, but I was happy to see them! Right after this they put on a public display of affection, if you know what I mean....

Trumpeter Swans, They were far away, but I was happy to see them! Right after this they put on a public display of affection, if you know what I mean....

Another Moose, we saw 5 total

Another Moose, we saw 5 total

Sandhill Crane ( A life bird for me).

Sandhill Crane ( A life bird for me).

A terrible picture, but the only Grizzly we saw and he was far away. This is a "proof" that we saw one picture, lol.

A terrible picture, but the only Grizzly we saw and he was far away. This is a "proof" that we saw one picture, lol.

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

American Wigeon (I think)

American Wigeon (I think)





Baby Bison Playing

Baby Bison Playing

Prong Horn Antelope

Prong Horn Antelope

Osprey nest

Osprey nest



Yellow bellied Marmot

Yellow bellied Marmot